Accounting & Payroll
The Azusa Unified School District's Accounting and Payroll Department is an integral part of Business Services with a commitment to supporting the District’s goals and needs.
The Accounting Department provides a wide variety of services, including accounts payable, accounts receivable, employee reimbursements, audit, cash collections, grant reporting, and associated student body oversight. The Payroll Department is responsible for all certificated and classified employee payrolls, sick leave/vacation records, retirement reporting, direct deposits, TSA, and voluntary deductions.
Payroll Notification
Effective October 1, 2020, paychecks and pay stubs to the employee's worksite
If you prefer that you receive your paystubs or paychecks via:
Mail - please provide pre-stamped and pre-addressed envelope(s) to payroll.
Pickup - please make arrangements with your site administrators.
Absence Reports and Timesheets
Certificated Absence Reports - Due to payroll by noon on the 1st of each month; unless the 1st is a weekend or holiday, then the next working day. Certificated Timesheets -Due to payroll by noon on the due date specified on the C3 Certificated Payroll Schedule. Classified Absence Reports -Due to payroll by noon on the 17th of each month; unless the 17th is a weekend or holiday, then the prior working day. Classified Timesheets - Due to payroll by noon on the due date specified on the C5 Classified Payroll Schedule.
2024 - 2025 Holiday Payroll Memos
Electronic W-2
Business Services has an option that will allow you to receive your W-2 online rather than via mail should you choose. The Los Angeles County Office of Education (LACOE) has partnered with an online service provider to give you access to your W-2 through the website This service is optional; you are not required to get your W-2 online.
If you want to receive your W-2 by mail, no action is needed. Federal regulations prevent the United States Post Office from forwarding W-2’s. Please make sure that your address is current, and if not contact Human Resources as soon as possible. W-2’s will be mailed in mid-January 2022.
Online Access
The Los Angeles County Office of Education (LACOE) continues to offer access to W-2 forms via If you wish to access your W-2 online, you need to register online by January 7, 2022. If you signed up to receive your W-2 online last year, you do not need to sign up again.
For those who choose to receive their W-2 online, instructions on how to register are included in the document below. Please also be aware that LACOE has partnered with this online distributor in the past, so you may see W-2s from prior years. The website gives you the option to purchase prior year W-2s, but you may be able to obtain copies from the Payroll Department for free.
Payroll Matrix
- Classified Monthly - Non CSEA C2
- Classified Monthly - CSEA E4
- Certificated Hourly C5
- Classified Hourly C3
- Certificated Monthly C1
- How to Read Your Pay Stub
- 23-24 Classified Holiday Payroll Memo
- 23-24 Certificated Holiday Payroll Memo