The Purchasing Department's mission is to provide the highest quality of service to all our customers while providing the lowest price possible. The department is responsible for:
- Purchasing all material, supplies, and equipment for all schools and departments
- Processing contracts for construction
- Overseeing the bid process.
The Azusa Unified School District is a participating District of the California Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Act (CUPCCAA). The CUPCCAA is under the umbrella of the California Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Commission and provides for alternative bidding procedures when an agency performs public project work by contract.
Vendor Registration and Pre-Qualification
It is the intent of the District to do business with quality contractors by identifying such contractors through a uniform system of rating bidders to obtain the best quality construction for the lowest price practicable under the circumstances. The District's prequalification programs are adopted pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 20111.5, 20111.6 and 20919.24.
The District permits contractors to apply for prequalification status on an open enrollment basis unless the contractor fails to prequalify, the prequalification status has been revoked, or a contractor has been barred by Sam.gov or DIR, or been listed in District's barred vendor list. The prequalification status is good for one calendar year, from Jan 1 to Dec 31. All the prequalification application must be filed on Bonfire Hub which is our bid platform.
Please complete registration with this link : https://azusa.bonfirehub.com. If you have questions, or are unable to register, please contact Purchasing via email ausd.purchasing@azusa.org , or call (626) 858-4255.
Pre-qualification Questionnaire 2024
Announcement of Pre-qualification Procedures
Current Solicitations
- Official Request for Proposals - 201 N Vernon Avenue, Azusa
- Official Request for Proposals - 1035 E. Mauna Loa Avenue, Azusa.pdf
- Official Request for Proposals - 1134 Barranca Avenue, Glendora
- Official Request for Proposals - 5034 N. Clydebank Avenue, Covina
Official Request for Proposals - 201 N Vernon Avenue, Azusa
Official Request for Proposals - 1035 E. Mauna Loa Avenue, Azusa.pdf
Official Request for Proposals - 1134 Barranca Avenue, Glendora
Official Request for Proposals - 5034 N. Clydebank Avenue, Covina
Completed Solicitations
- IFB of Fencing 21-22-06-02
- IFB of Asphalt Resurfacing 21-22-06-03
- IFB of Roof Coating 22-23-03-03
- RFP of Copiers 22-23-04-01
- RFP of Pest Control 22-23-04-02
- IFB of DO Roofing 22-23-06-01
- RFP of Meat Products
- RFP of Fresh Bread Products
- RFP of Architectural Services 22-23-10-01
- IFB of Remaining Sites Roofing 22-23-12-01
- IFB of Paramount Modernization 23-24-04-01