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Special Education

Azusa Unified School District belongs to the East San Gabriel Valley Special Education Local Plan Area (ESGV SELPA).  This SELPA is composed of 10 local education agencies (LEAs) located in Los Angeles County, including Azusa, Baldwin Park, Basset, Bonita, Charter Oak, Claremont, Covina-Valley, Glendora, Walnut Valley and West Covina school districts and six charter schools.

The purpose of the SELPA is to provide a high-quality education program appropriate to the needs of each eligible child with a disability who resides within the Local Plan Area, and to those eligible students who are residents of other SELPAs who may be in need of services, and who, in accordance with the provisions of the annual budget plan of the cooperating Local Plan Area, attend programs in the region.

SELPA governance is structured with interrelationships between the SELPA Director, the Superintendent's Council, District Special Education Directors and the Community Advisory Committee (parent group).

Suspected Disabilities / Child Find

What is a Suspected Disability?

Children may have a disability if:

  1. A health or a medical disorder interferes with their development and/or learning.
  2. They seem to have difficulty seeing or hearing.
  3. They appear to have social, emotional or behavioral difficulties that affect his/her ability to learn or interact with others.
  4. They have a diagnosed progressive or degenerative condition that will eventually interfere with their ability to learn.
  5. They have difficulty understanding directions like other children their age.
  6. Their speech is not understood by family or friends.
  7. They have difficulty with reading, writing, math or other school subjects.

Child Find

Child Find is a process of locating, identifying and evaluating children and adults from birth through 22 years of age who are suspected of having a disability or have been previously diagnosed with a disability. If you suspect that your child has a disability, please contact your school principal or the Director of Special Education, Erin Kremer, at (626) 858-6184.


Michelle Arevalo

Titles: Secretary I

Erin Kremer

Titles: Director Special Ed.

Lynnae Musgrove

Titles: Coordinator Sped, Coordinator Special Education - Mild / Moderate Elementary Programs

Stephanie Ortiz

Titles: Coordinator Sped, Coordinator Special Education - Moderate / Severe Programs - Lifeskills

Ryan Ward

Titles: Coordinator Sped, Coordinator Special Education - Mild / Moderate Secondary Programs and Visual Impairment Programs