Support for unhoused & foster youth
AUSD's student Student Support Services office provides assistance to homeless students and their families in compliance with the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, an integral part of No Child Left Behind.
McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act: All school-aged homeless children are entitled to the same free and appropriate public education that is provided to non-homeless students. Definition of Homeless: A student between the ages of 0 to 22, who lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence, and:
- Has a primary nighttime residence that is a shelter designated to provide temporary living accommodations such as shelters, motels/hotels, domestic violence shelters, and transitional housing
- Lives in a car, park, abandoned building, public or private place not designed for, or ordinarily used as a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings
- Lives temporarily in a trailer park or camping area due to the lack of adequate living accommodations.
- Lives “doubled-up” with another family, due to loss of housing, stemming from financial problems
- Is abandoned at a hospital
- Resides in a home for school-aged, unwed mother or mother-to-be, if there are no other available living accommodations
- Is awaiting foster care in limited circumstances but does not include placement in a foster family, foster family agency or group home
- Is placed by the state in an emergency shelter due to lack of alternative housing
- Is an abandoned or runaway youth or migratory child living in any of the circumstances described above.
The goal of AUSD Student Support Services is to work in collaboration with school personnel and community service agencies in an effort to maximize access to various educational, social, and enrichment programs that promote academic success and student achievement.
School Stability & Academic Success
AUSD Student Support Services
AUSD Student Support Services can assist McKinney-Vento-eligible students and families with the following:
- Facilitation of school enrollment without proof of residency
- Advocacy for children and youth to stay at the school of origin
- Connection with transportation assistance for school attendance
- Ensure students receive access to appropriate educational services
- Provide backpacks and school supplies
- Aid with required school clothing
- Support students and families with confidential case management
- Refer students and families to emergency housing/shelter, food, health services, counseling, and other appropriate services*
- Parent education designed for families experiencing homelessness
- Training on the educational rights of children and youth experiencing homelessness and reducing barriers to school attendance
McKinnney-Vento Homelessness Definition
Section 725 of the McKinney-Vento Act Homeless Assistance Act defines children and youth experiencing homelessness as individuals, ages 0-22* years old, who:
- Lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence
- Live in a hotel or motel
- Live in an emergency or transitional shelter
- Live in an abandoned building, parked car, or other facility not meant for human habitation
- Share housing with another family due to loss of housing or economic hardship (NOTE: this includes living or renting a room in a residence in which they are not on the lease/rental agreement)
- Live in a trailer park or campsite with their family
- Are abandoned at a hospital
- Are placed by the state in an emergency shelter
- Are migratory children or unaccompanied youth who are not with their parents or legal guardians and/or are living in the above-described circumstances
* Children and youth receiving special education services may continue their education until the age of 22 years.
Parent Responsibilities
Students experiencing homelessness have the right to participate in all federal, state, or local programs and extracurricular activities for which they are eligible. Therefore, parents are responsible for the following:
- Enrolling their child in school promptly and have them attend regularly and on time
- Requesting needed transportation services
- Asking for tutoring/counseling to make up for any lost school time
- Meeting with their child’s teacher or counselor regularly to ensure that their child is receiving appropriate support
- Being fully involved in their child’s academic experience
- Notifying the school when moving
- Requesting current school records, including immunizations, when checking their child out
- Requesting special education documents - IEP, SST, 504 plan, test results, and other school-related documents
- Contacting AUSD Student Support Services for help with enrollment or other barriers to the child's academic success
Student Attendance & Homelessness
AUSD believes that attendance equals success. A child’s education is the single most important factor influencing their future. Regular attendance at school helps students ensure their own success, build academic confidence, and develop self-esteem. Parents and guardians are essential in helping students get to school so that they can learn and succeed alongside their peers. Homelessness can be mentally, emotionally, and physically taxing on students and their parents. Yet, homelessness is not a reason for parents and guardians not to send their children to school. Homelessness does not excuse chronic absenteeism and truancy. It is our hope to alleviate some of the stress families are experiencing while giving them the tools and skills to navigate these difficult times. Let's work together to help our students succeed.
AUSD Family Resource Center (FRC)
546 S. Citrus Ave
Azusa CA 91702
Operating Hours:
Monday - Friday
7:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Main Line:
(626) 732-8032
NOTE: Please call to make an appointment with program staff
Policy & Resources
AR 6173.3 Education For Juvenile Court School Students
Posted by Director of Student Support Services on 11/7/2022
AR 6173.3 Education For Juvenile Court School Students
AR 6173.2 Education Of Children Of Military Families
Posted by Director of Student Support Services on 11/7/2022
AR 6173.2 Education Of Children Of Military Families
AR 6173.1 Education For Foster Youth
Posted by Director of Student Support Services on 11/7/2022
AR 6173.1 Education For Foster Youth