Proudly Serving AUSD
Dear AUSD Community,
I am extremely honored to serve as the Superintendent of this amazing district and community. I am committed to to serving, leading, and representing the District in the highest possible manner.
Since I first came to the District, we have continued to evolve and shift forward to offer the best educational opportunities and outcomes for all of our students. I am committed to continuing this course of growth, improvement and progress within the Azusa Unified School District.
There are three keys that are essential to our upward trajectory as a District. The first is our team. We have a strong team that comes together to play a pivotal role in our success. These partners include our Board of Education, our bargaining units, students, parents, local colleges, community, our local city officials, community organizations, business organizations, and many more. These partnerships help our District to thrive and I look forward to continued meaningful engagement with all of our partners.
The second is continuous improvement. As an educational institution, it is paramount that we keep a mindset of continuous improvement and build on past experiences as we grow together. As we encourage our students in their pursuit of learning it is important that we model the same mindset.
The third key is collaboration. When we work together, we have the power to produce amazing results. Collaboration helps us to learn from each other, it strengthens communications, fosters transparency, and helps with problem-solving.
I am extremely grateful to have the opportunity to serve as AUSD Superintendent.
Arturo Ortega
Superintendent & Parent Roundtable Summaries
Superintendent and parent virtual roundtable meetings are open to all AUSD parents and are an excellent opportunity to hear updates and ask questions. After each meeting, a summary of the topics discussed will be posted here.